One minute were up the next we’re down. “This is starting to feel like a rollercoaster I think.”
woke up we did our thing and, someone said something and trigger central happened and waahhhhh. It’s crap. I get it, i’ve been here, in
fact I spent a tonne of time here.
After having just jumped off the phone with a new client, I said something quite profound.
“I cannot and will not go back to that dark place I was once in. “
It is NOT possible for me, because it was such a rock bottom, that there is only up and up from here. This move, is a choice a decision. A Place
to feel safe now.
If I did , I could no longer do the work that I am here to do and help people the way I am meant to help them, that would suck for everyone
Change work takes guts, it takes courage to change the energy of where you have been to where your going, you know if your ready and
have that inner voice inside that says, yes It is time.
Understanding my Human Design, Generator 2/4 Scaral here, changed this and over the next 3 days we will be taking group of women
through authentically activating them , to help them level up. ARE You ready to create big change?